ExoClick Compliance in 2017

We’ve listened to the concerns of all our clients over recent months and today we can introduce to you our new simplified guidelines!
How do I ensure my campaigns get approved?
If your campaigns contain Malware/Phishing, Browser Blockers/Ransomware, Auto Redirection or BackJacking then your campaigns will be rejected. These simply can not run on our network! We monitor campaigns 24/7 and we have sophisticated technology to help us prevent such issues along with our dedicated Compliance Team who undertake manual checks of your campaigns.
Of course there are more basic reasons for why your campaigns may not get approved, click here to see a detailed list.
What happens to my account if I break the guidelines?
Mistakes can happen, we accept that, so providing you can offer a reasonable explanation, other than rejecting the violating campaign(s), we won’t take any further action. You need to understand though we are here also to protect our publishers websites so if there are multiple violations in a short space of time your account maybe temporarily suspended. This will ensure you as an advertiser, have time to permanently fix the problem before going live again with your campaigns. Of course there may be clients who we simply can’t work with anymore because the problems caused to our network or publishers were too extensive. We are pleased to say though, that once we explained the compliance rules to advertisers in these situations, most go on to run issue free campaigns for months and years following the incident.
As a publisher do I have any control on the advertising that appears on my websites?
Absolutely! ExoClick has for years now given you options to block certain products or campaign behaviour that you do not want to appear on your sites.
How?- Go to your Admin Panel and then click the Sites & Ad zones tab. Pick any ad zone and click the “Edit” icon.
Now at the bottom of this page click the”+” sign next to “Advanced Options” See example below
Select the “Block specific Products” if there’s certain types of products you don’t want to see on that ad zone.
NOTE: The product group “Other- Ad Exchanges” are campaigns which rotate landing pages very quickly and if you want to minimise any possible compliance issues you are strongly advised to block this product group!
Select the “Block Ad Type” if there’s certain campaign behaviour e.g. JS Pops on entry that you do not want to see.
Remember you need to save these selections and repeat this action on other ad zones should you wish.
By adding these blocks, any campaigns that match the selections you have chosen should not appear on your sites as our Compliance Team will check each campaign internally and apply the relevant labels that match the campaign product and behaviour.
For any questions or further assistance about this article please contact help@exoclick.com 24/7!