
  • Publisher Guide to Responsive Display Ads

    Publisher Guide to Responsive Display Ads

    A Responsive Display Ad (RDA) is a Banner ad that automatically adapts its size, format and appearance to fit any standard IAB Banner display ad placement. RDAs are used by Advertisers and Publishers on Google Ads and now they are available on ExoClick’s platform. RDAs are created automatically from an Advertiser's uploaded assets: images and texts (title, description and brand). ExoClick's system then combines and adjusts them so that the... Read More

  • Case Study: In-Page Push Notifications VoD offer 35.15% ROI

    I think I will try this approach again with In-Page Push Notifications for a different vertical. I noticed that this format is really popular with Dating offers, so I may try with eCommerce or Casino next as I don’t see much competition for those verticals. Stay tuned!

    Campaign period: 10/10/2021 - 31/12/2021 (71 days) Offer type: VoD Ad Network: ExoClick Ad format: In-Page Push Notifications GEO: United States Devices: Mobile, iOS Introduction I wanted to promote a Video-on-Demand offer. It was based on the end user taking out a monthly/yearly subscription. The Payout was $45 for a sign up to a subscription. Although video ads are a great way to convert a video offer, I wanted to... Read More

  • Using Async ad tags with WordPress

    Using Async ad tags with WordPress

    If you are monetising your content using WordPress, did you know that you can integrate display ad banners using ExoClick’s Async ad tags?  4 reasons why you should use Async Tags #1 Your site content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will increase performance when used on well-optimized sites #2 You to use a single request to get multiple ad zones on the same page.... Read More

  • 10 Native ad zone custom CSS ideas for Publishers

    Native Custom CSS

    Improving how your Native ad zones are displayed can help the ads blend more into the style of your website. This creates a better user experience and can increase eCPMs, check out our Case Study: How 3 publishers increased Native ad zone CPMs. It's easy to use custom CSS code to improve the impact of how your Native ad zones are displayed and this blog post contains 10 ideas with... Read More

  • Publishers! How to automate keyword extraction from meta tags

    How to automate the keyword extraction from page meta tags

    Do you have meta tags within your web pages? Did you know that keywords allow you to help attract advertisers to target your ad zones. Many advertisers use keyword targeting when setting up their campaigns to help them find ad zones that display similar content to the theme of their offer, to make their ads fit more contextually into a site. If an end user sees an ad for an... Read More

  • New feature: Multi-Format Ad Statistics for Publishers

    Multi-Format Ad statistics

    Publishers can now  track the performance of their Multi-Format Ad Zones, as well as the individual Banner and Native zones that are used in them with our Multi-Format Ad Statistics. Data can be viewed in both the Statistics tab and the Dashboard: In the Statistics tab data is displayed for Multi-Format Ad Zones in two reports in the Sites & Zones tab: Ad Zones and Multi-Format Zone Details (New) In... Read More

  • New feature: Targeting or blocking zones across whole sites

    Targeting or blocking ad zones

    We have added a new feature in Step 5 that allows advertisers to block or target zones across a whole site with just a couple of clicks, to improve workflow. Here's how it works: To target or block zones and sites in the list, first use the Target Mode drop-down to select whether to Target or Block zones and sites. Once you select a Target Mode other than All, a... Read More

  • Multi-Format Ads Guide for Publishers

    Let's talk about Multi-Format Ads! Reaching online audiences on different devices means advertisers can no longer adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to running campaigns. They need to be able to use different ad formats targeting different website positions to grab an end user's attention at just the right moment.  Equally, Publishers need to provide inventory that is flexible enough to support different ad formats within... Read More

  • Get faster banner ad load times with Asynchronous Tags

    ExoClick has added the ability for publishers to use Asynchronous Tags for desktop and mobile banners ad zones. When creating either of these zone types, Publishers can use this tag to ensure that zones are loaded onto the page asynchronously. 3 great benefits of Asynchronous Tags: The ads will be able to load asynchronously, meaning that other content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will... Read More

  • Video Keywords Tags for Publishers & Advertisers

    ExoClick offers 3 different video ad formats: In-Stream, Outstream and Video Slider. Keyword targeting is especially useful for video formats because publishers tend to have lots of video content on their sites covering hundreds of different content genres. Keywords can then be used by an advertiser to target specific video content ad zones with relevant video ads.   Why is keyword targeting useful? If you are an advertiser, Keyword targeting... Read More

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