Why is ExoClick the best video Ad Network for Publishers

Why is ExoClick the best video Ad Network for Publishers? When it comes to online advertising, video is one of the most powerful formats to bring high revenues on websites worldwide, accounting for 82.5% of all web traffic in 2023! And, according to Statista, ad spending in the video advertising market is projected to reach US$176.6bn in 2023, strong reason enough to start to monetize video traffic with ExoClick:
- Ad spending is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2028) of 6.49%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$241.9bn by 2028.
- With a projected market volume of US$76,970m in 2023, most revenue will be generated in the United States.
- In the video advertising market, US$193.4bn of total ad spending will be generated through mobile in 2028.
- The average ad spending per internet user in the video advertising market is projected to amount to US$33.1 in 2023.
- Ad spending on short-form videos in the video advertising market is projected to reach US$88.1bn in 2023.
- Ad spending on short-form videos is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2028) of 10.61%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$145.8bn by 2028.
As you can see, if you are a website Publisher and you are not serving video ads on your website, you are missing out on being a part of a winning market! Start to monetize video traffic with ExoClick: One of the best global video Ad Networks for Publishers! And why is ExoClick the best video Ad Network for Publishers? Here are 3 reasons why you should start increasing your video revenues with ExoClick:
Reason #1: Monetize video traffic with ExoClick and attract millions of Advertisers worldwide with highly competitive Video formats Video Slider, In-Stream and Outstream!
The first reason why is ExoClick the best video Ad Network for Publishers? ExoClick provides 3 competitive video formats that are in high demand from Advertisers across the globe and vcan help you attract advertisers to your video ad zones. They work on desktop and mobile devices and are fully compliant with Google and The Better Ads Coalition to ensure a great end user experience:
In-Stream Video (VAST): In-Stream video ads will show on your site inside a video player which the end user will most likely watch in full screen mode. Once the video ad starts playing, a ‘skip ad’ button is shown to end users on the bottom right of the screen, just like Youtube ads. This video format has the highest CTRs and is very successful for Publishers monetizing video content, which makes it ideal to monetize video traffic with ExoClick It is available as:
- Pre-roll: The ad is shown before the end user can watch his chosen video content
- Mid-roll: The ad is shown somewhere in the middle of the video content being watched
- Post-roll: The ad is shown at the end of the video content the end user has watched
Please note: Despite Mid-roll being used a lot on Youtube videos, it is still considered to impact user experience.
Video Slider: Once a website page has loaded, the end user will see the ad slide in from the bottom right of the page, which makes this format very eye-catching. It plays on mute, and the viewer must unmute it to hear the audio.
Outstream: This ad is shown to end users as they are scrolling a website page. Publishers can set where the video ad is displayed within the website. As the user scrolls down the page the ad zone pushes the website content down and the Outstream ad starts being visible to the user. Once 50% of the ad zone is viewable, the video ad plays automatically on mute giving the option to the end user to unmute it.
To monetize video content, Publishers used only have access to In-Stream, which requires a VAST compatible video player installed on the website in order to trigger and play. This was a problem for websites that had no video content. The Slider and Outstream formats changed this, since both are served within their own video player and don’t need to rely on the website’s inbuilt tech to perform. This opened up a larger market because even websites with just written or static image content could now monetize video ads. As you can see in the ExoClick network data below, comparing each year, all video ad formats have seen growth on mobile device impressions. Slider was really adopted by Advertisers and Publishers as a video ad format in 2023 and Outstream also saw increased demand in 2023 with +113.2%.
Mobile video ad format impressions growth comparing Q3 2021 to Q3 2022 and Q3 2023:
Reason #2: Lots of great Publisher tools to maximize your video zones results and increase your video revenues with ExoClick
If you start to monetize video traffic with ExoClick you will gain access to a range of excellent video tools for both Publishers and Advertisers to help you maximize your video results and attract more Advertisers. Continuing on we will list the top 6 features. You can also check our Documentation to find useful information and resources about ExoClick’s professional Publisher tools and available ad formats:
#1 Fluid Player integration: With ExoClick you can easily integrate the free open source video player Fluid Player. It is light-weight, flexible and customizable, allowing you to attract more Advertisers by offering popular formats such as In-Stream and Live Streaming ads. Also by using Fluid Player with ExoClick you gain access to 24/7 tech support. This video player will become your most powerful tool to monetize video, improve your website’s performance and provide a great user experience, helping you maximize your video revenues!
#2 Keyword targeting tools: You can use keywords and contextual targeting to attract Advertisers with specific products or video creatives related to a specific content genre on your site. By allowing keyword targeting related to Advertiser offers the end user will be more likely to click on the video ad bringing a higher CTR, which will make your ad zone more valuable, giving you higher eCPMs. Read this article to find out how to automate Keyword extraction from meta tags.
#3 Payment methods: Through the ExoClick platform, you choose your payment timescales and payout methods, gaining full flexibility. Some payment methods available are Cryptocurrency, Paxum, Wiretransfer. Depending on the payout method that you have chosen, you can choose to get paid monthly, bi monthly, and even weekly.
#4 Customizable dashboards: Getting relevant data on your ad zones’ performance is key to optimize your ad zones to maximize revenues. You can use ExoClick’s customizable dashboards to create a tailored view of your ad zones analytics to show only the most relevant information to you. You can pick from different chart types and filter options to help you access your information quickly and efficiently.
#5 Ad zone customization tools: You can customize your video zones with customization tools such as Frequency Capping, the Close/Skip Button feature, or you can pick zone density throughout your pages, set the size of your ad zones, and more. Of course, customization options will vary depending on the video format of your choosing. Read this article to learn how to optimize your video ad zones to find out more!
#6 Friendly URL and CTA feature: A strong CTA message on a video ad will generate more clicks, which will generate higher CTRs, which in turn makes the ad zone more competitive pushing up the eCPM value for the video ad zone and ultimately increase your revenues. You can enable your Advertisers to use a CTA on your video ad zones from a CTA pre-set list. Which gives you more control over the information displayed on your ad zones and enhances user experience by avoiding confusing or misleading CTA messages.
Reason #3: 24/7 Compliance and Customer Success Team to your service to guarantee great ad security and best results when you monetize video traffic with ExoClick
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, having a reliable partner to guide you through the intricacies of the industry is paramount. At ExoClick we make a point to provide just that and more with our multilingual dedicated Customer Success Team, providing exemplary 24/7 customer service and dedicated ad tech support, globally. Read this article to find out what our current clients have to say in Google Rankings about ExoClick’s personalized assistance! Or maybe you want to read Customer Success Manager Yashu’s Day in the Life feature to learn what working at the ExoClick’s Customer Success Team is all about!
Equally, at ExoClick we have a strong focus on keeping all of the players involved in the ad supply chain protected at all times in order to promote a healthy and safe online advertising environment: ExoClick’s Compliance team is constantly working to guarantee security, the highest possible ad quality and full industry compliance at all times. We want to ensure a great browsing experience, for which we have strict policies and guidelines that govern the kinds of ads we allow on our platform. We also closely monitor our Advertisers’ campaigns, to make sure that all of our ads are appropriate and aligned with industry regulators including the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), Google Chrome and the Coalition For Better Ads. So we keep your brand safe as you focus on increasing your video revenues with ExoClick!
Why is ExoClick the best video Ad Network for Publishers? Top Account Manager tips to boost your video performance
Tip! Monitor your Slider ads screen density: You can choose what percentage of the screen is taken up by the Slider ad zone when it is triggered. As a Publisher, this feature enables you to ensure that your Video Slider ad zones display well on all devices, especially mobile. It will also ensure that your ad zones meet common guidelines for good advertising.
Tip! Frequency Capping: When it comes to frequency capping, we recommend that you set it to ca. 1/15 minutes for In-Stream, or once every 2 or 3 videos per page, depending on user behavior on your website. For Outstream you can set your ads to show in each page on your website, exactly like a Banner ad would do. Lastly, for Slider, the recommended frequency is 5/15 minutes, also depending on your website’s user behavior.
Tip! Mind your Outstream positioning and density: To promote the best possible user experience, make sure that you don’t create too many ad zones or the end user will become overwhelmed and avoid them. This will affect your CTRs, so we recommend that you only use 1 Outstream ad zone per page. In terms of positioning, ideally you will place your ad above or below the mobile middle on mobile devices and between the content on Desktop devices. This gives the user time to interact with your site’s content first, before seeing the Outstream ad zones.
Tip! Combine video formats: Related to the point above, if aside from Outstream you also have a Video Slider ad zone implemented, this gives the user time to see the Slider ad first when your page loads and then as the user scrolls down through your content you can start showing your Outstream ads. You could also combine Oustream and Slider with In-Stream ads if you have a video based content website.
Tip! Use a VAST wrapper compatible player: Especially if you are using In-Stream, make sure the video player that you use is VAST wrapper compatible, for instance you could use Fluid Player. It’s important otherwise the player cannot read those campaigns and you may lose impressions
Tip! Test Post-roll or Mid-roll: If you are using In-Stream ads on your website, you can use these additional video ad placements for added revenue.
Still wondering why is ExoClick the best video Ad Network for Publishers? Get in touch with our Customer Success team to learn more about our high quality video traffic sources and start to monetize video traffic with ExoClick, or why not sign up with ExoClick now?