Publisher Case Study using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature

Hey Publishers! Today we bring you a Publisher Case Study using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature: Have you enabled the new ExoClick Ad Refresh feature on your website’s ad zones yet? If you haven’t, you are missing out. Ad Refresh allows Publishers to rotate ad content on various Banner ad zones (including RDAs). That allows them to serve several ads per user session, and maximize user time on their website using Ad Refresh. This not only allows Publishers to increase their viewable impressions as well as their ad zones’ long-term value, but also gives Advertisers more chances to access more ad inventory – The more ads that are shown per zone, the more opportunities to place the winning bid! Here are the top 5 benefits:
Publisher Case Study using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature: Ad Refresh Benefits
#1 Increase your ad zones’ metrics! By displaying multiple ads during a single end user session, Ad Refresh increases impressions and revenues per ad zone, as well as higher clicks and desirable zones for Advertisers to bid on.
Please note that upon implementing the Ad Refresh feature, eCPMs metrics might experience some mild decreases, however this is completely normal and it will not affect the increases on the rest of metrics and you will be able to increase ad zones’ quality impressions and clicks and also serve more ads per end user session using Ad Refresh.
#2 Maximize end user time! Maximize user time on your website using Ad Refresh by featuring up to 10 ads per session, providing optimal opportunities for ad zones to generate bids.
#3 Improve end user experience! Offering fresh ad content that matches your audience’s interests through Ad Refresh creates a better end user experience, leading to increased engagement, interest, and return visits.
#4 Beat end user ad fatigue! Ad Refresh prevents ad fatigue by avoiding repeat campaigns and showing different ads to end users after they have seen one, to drive more clicks to make your ad zone more competitive to Advertisers.
#5 Aligned with Industry Standards! ExoClick’s Ad Refresh adheres to Google and the IAB Standards, ensuring full compliance and providing peace of mind for the Industry Standards regulations while optimizing results for Advertisers and end users alike.
If you want to read full details about this new feature, make sure to read the Ad Refresh feature launch here, and learn how to increase impressions and revenue per ad zone with ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature now!
To show you the positive effect that Ad Refresh can have on your ad zones, we looked at 4 Publisher Case Studies using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature, some for Desktop and some for Mobile devices. All Publishers tested out Ad Refresh on several ad zones on their websites, with their ad rotation timing set to 60 seconds. In all cases we will compare 30 days before to 30 days after Ad Refresh was activated.
Publisher Case Study 1: Ad Refresh on Desktop ad zones
Let’s get started with the first Publisher Case Study using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature: The first Publisher wanted to test out the benefits of Ad Refresh on his website for Desktop users, so he enabled the feature for this device type. He activated Ad Refresh on his Desktop Banner 300×250 NTVA ad zones.
Comparing the month before implementation to 30 days after Ad Refresh was activated, he could observe increases in impressions, revenue and clicks:
- The impressions reported over 30 days across all NTVA zones and all GEOs went from 2.6M to 8.2M, which is a +211.6% increase.
- Overall revenues for his website’s Desktop ad zones increased by +281.7%.
- Clicks also went up from 9.9K to 51.8K, which is a +419.6% increase since Ad Refresh was implemented!
The top 5 GEOs were CN, US, KR, AT, PL. Let’s have a look at impressions and revenue increases, per GEO:
So, the top 2 GEOs that have experienced a major boost on impressions, revenues and clicks with Ad Refresh are:
- China, with +235.6% increase in impressions, +478.7% in revenue, and +509.4% in ad clicks.
- The United States, with +559.5% increase in impressions, +61.3% increase in revenue, and +5.4% in ad clicks.
Publisher Case Study 2: Ad Refresh on Mobile ad zones
The Publisher for the second Publisher Case Study using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature wanted to test out Ad Refresh on his Mobile ad zones, so he enabled the feature on his Mobile Header 300×100 ad zones.
The 30 days after Ad Refresh was activated, he could observe great increases in his ad zones’ impressions, clicks and revenues:
- The impressions reported across all Mobile Header zones and GEOs over 30 days went from 16M to 34.6M, which is a +116.5% increase.
- Overall revenues for his website’s Mobile Header zones increased by +43.6%.
- Clicks increased from 23.6K to 29.1K, which is a +23.2% increase since Ad Refresh was implemented.
Now, let’s have a look at impressions and revenue increases, per GEO, for the top 5 GEOs, which were UK, PL, US, DE, IN:
The top 2 GEOs to have experienced the higher boost on impressions, clicks and revenues with Ad Refresh are:
- The United Kingdom, with +99.4% increase in impressions, +143.4% in revenue, and +30.9% in ad clicks.
- Poland, with +154.9% increase in impressions, +105.2% increase in revenue, and +44.2% in ad clicks.
Publisher Case Study 3: Mobile and Desktop
The third Publisher implemented the feature on multiple ad zones to maximize user time on his website using Ad Refresh, targeting two devices (Mobile and Desktop), including Mobile Header and Desktop Top Banner. Let’s have a look at the results:
The first ad zone is a Desktop Top Banner 728×90. After implementation, he increased both impressions and revenue across all ad zones:
After implementation, he increased impressions, clicks and revenue across all his Mobile Header Banner zones:
- Over a month period after implementation, impressions increased from 5.5M to 9.9M, a +81.2% increase.
- Overall revenues also experienced a +15.7% increase.
- Clicks went from 2.6K to 4.3K, which is a +64.8% increase.
Here are the metrics increases across the top 5 GEOs (BE, DE, NL, US, CH):
Belgium is the GEO that presents a higher boost in impressions (+64%), revenue (+146.4%), and clicks (+103.5%). Second top GEO is Germany, with a +64.3% increase in impressions, +49% in revenues, and +54.1% in clicks.
The second zone type where this Publisher enabled Ad Refresh was Mobile Header Banner 300×100 on Mobile Top ad placements.
- Over a 30 days period, impressions increased from 33.2M to 60.3M, which is a +81.4% increase.
- Overall revenues also experienced a +28.7% increase.
- Clicks went from 24.1K to 35.6K, which is a +47.6% increase.
When it comes to the 5 top GEOs (CA, CH, NL, US, ES), we can observe the following:
Canada is the GEO that presents the highest boost in impressions (+70.9%), revenue (+70%), and clicks (+72.8%). Second top GEO is Switzerland, with a +79.7% increase in impressions, +52% in revenues, and +66.9% in clicks.
Publisher Case Study 4: Ad Refresh on Desktop ad zones
The 4th Publisher implemented Ad Refresh on his Banner 300×250 NTVA ad zones targeting Desktop. These are the increases that could be observed in impressions, clicks and revenue on his ad zones after implementing Ad Refresh:
- The impressions reported over a 30 period went from 9M to 24.7M which is a +173.2% increase.
- Overall revenues for his website’s Desktop NTVA Banner zones increased by +63.9%.
- Clicks increased from 11.4K to 12.2K, which is a +7.2% increase since Ad Refresh was implemented.
Top 5 GEOs were DE, US, UK, FR, CA – Let’s have a look at impressions and revenue increases, per GEO:
The top 2 GEOs that have experienced a major boost on impressions and revenues with Ad Refresh are:
- Germany, with +184.6% increase in impressions, +93.2% in revenue, and +11% in ad clicks.
- United States, with +162.2% increase in impressions, +49.7% increase in revenue, and +0.8% in ad clicks.
Conclusion: Serve more ads per end user session using Ad Refresh!
Ad Refresh is a great feature that helps Publishers make the most of their end user’s time on their website. Because end users get to see more ads per session, Publishers increase their ad zones’ quality impressions, which are more likely to generate clicks, which will generate more Advertiser demand. Of course, it is important to take into account that your results may vary depending on your chosen ad placements – As we can observe in the case studies presented above, implementations in the same ad placement type will generate similar results. Another factor to bear in mind is that ad placements near video content will generate a higher increase of impressions and clicks than ad placements that are on a website’s footer area. And lastly, factors such as user demographics and user behavior metrics, including the average time spent on a website, will condition Ad Refresh implementation results. Are you thinking of implementing Ad Refresh on your ad zones or have any questions about this feature? Or maybe you have more questions abut this Publisher Case Study using ExoClick’s Ad Refresh feature? Make sure to get in touch with your account manager, or our Client Success team here and start increasing impressions and revenue per ad zone with ExoClick’s Ad Refresh now!