ExoClick now offers more ad formats for Responsive Display Ads

Three new Responsive Display Ad formats to target
Since ExoClick launched Responsive Display Ads (RDAs) for all static Banner sizes back in April 2022, they have been a huge success for both Advertisers and Publishers. Now ExoClick has added three more ad formats for Responsive Display Ads: Instant Message, Sticky Banners and Fullpage Interstitial.
What are Responsive Display Ads?
If you don’t know what RDAs are, here’s a quick summary. Advertisers can upload images (300x300px) and texts (title, description and brand) for a campaign, and ExoClick’s system will automatically create several different sized ad creatives that you can instantly use in a campaign. Publishers can action RDAs on their ad formats in their admin panel to open up more ad zones to be targeted by the Advertisers RDAs.
RDAs will create the following creatives:
Static Banner sizes:
Sticky Banner sizes:
And now Instant Message and Fullpage Interstitial. So as you can see RDAs offer a great opportunity for both Advertisers and Publishers.
Benefits of Responsive Display Ads for Advertisers
Save time
Display ad sizes require different sized artwork and some advertisers don’t have the resources to create many different sized and ad creatives. With RDAs, you just need a couple of high-resolution images and texts, from these assets you upload, All ads are responsive so work seamlessly when displayed on any device.
Launch campaigns quickly
You can now launch an advertising campaign targeting all static display Sticky Banners and Instant Message inventory from a single campaign.
Increase your reach
The more ad formats and sizes you have for a campaign, the better your reach. For example, if you currently just create banners for headers and footers, you will have good exposure, but if you also had banners for the same campaign for Skyscraper, NTVs, In-Video, Sticky Banners, Fullpage Interstitial and Instant Message, this will give you access to more ad placements, increasing your reach even further, requiring no extra design work from you.
Increase your data for optimization
Having a large range of different sized Banners, Sticky Banners, Fullpage Interstitial and Instant Message available to test can bring new optimisation opportunities. For example if you have a dating campaign and you only have creatives for 300×100 banners, by using RDAs you can test out popular Instant Message campaigns for the Dating vertical by using RDAs, you automatically have different display sizes and formats that you can also test. This creates more test data for you and could reveal that you generate more conversions using an Instant Message compared to your usual 300×100 banner campaigns, opening up new campaign opportunities to test.
Super easy set up
Set up your campaign using Native, upload your image, it should be 300x300px and texts. Set up your Targeting and Pricing & Limits, now go to the final step Zones. Here you will see the enabled Responsive Display Ads box ticked. Now select TARGET from the “Target Mode” dropdown menu. This will open up all available zones including RDA and you will be able to select the ones you want to target either manually or through the BULK TARGET ZONES option. You can also search for specific zones using the search bar above the list of zones. You can also search for specific websites for your campaign to target for RDAs.
Benefits of Responsive Display Ads for Publishers
Attract more Advertisers to bid on your ad zones
Some Advertisers have limited design resources for ad creatives, this can:
- Impede them from creating a large range of ad variations to test
- Limiting them by being only able to test one Banner ad zone, when they could be testing all your Banner ad zones, your Sticky Banner ad zones and your Instant Message ad zones.
Increase demand for your ad zones
ExoClick’s systems ability to create Responsive Display Ads, opens up more available inventory for Advertisers to target, which leads to more demand for your various static Banner, Sticky and Instant Message ad zones.
Aligned with the IAB industry Standards and Google
All RDAs are guaranteed to meet the industry standard ad weight because ExoClick’s system automatically creates the RDAs to be fully aligned with the IAB industry standards and Google Chrome’s recommendations, so RDA ad zones are fully compliant with Google.
A great end user experience
RDAs are designed to fit seamlessly with your different ad zone sizes, RDAs do not produce ad creatives that are displayed squashed or pixelated, because the format is fully responsive. This provides a great end user browsing experience.
Qualified clicks means higher eCPM
Advertisers include a Brand name in their RDA asset texts. This Brand name is then displayed to end users on the RDA static Banner, Sticky Banner and Instant Message creatives. This means that the end user knows that the RDA is an ad, and will only click on the ad if he is interested in the offer. This is great news for you as a Publisher, because this will lead to a higher click thru ratio, making your RDA zones more competitive, which in turn brings higher bids for your in demand zones, leading to higher eCPMs..
Super easy setup
To change your static Banner, Sticky Banner and Instant Message ad zones to RDAs doesn’t require any additional setup. In fact, by default it is already enabled, so you are ready to go.
So what are you waiting for? Get testing out those RDA ad zones today and enjoy the revenue, conversion and time saving benefits. RDAs, another great feature from ExoClick! For further information contact your account manager or a Customer Success Manager here.