Instant Message or Video Slider? 5 things you should know

As a publisher deciding what ad format you should place in your ad zones is crucial to maximise the revenues that you generate. In this blog post we offer you 5 things to think about if you are considering whether to use the Instant Message or Video Slider formats of your website.
- Don’t use both formats at the same time
The Instant Message pops up from the bottom right and the Video Slider slides in from the bottom right of the page. This can be very annoying for your end users, so we recommend that you choose one or the other.
- Use both formats, but on seperate pages
This isn’t contradicting the first point. You could use both formats but use Instant Message on one web page and Video Slider on another web page on your site and A/B test them. Here is how to set up each format on different pages:
Web page 1 with Video Slider
Step 1: Create the Video Slider ad zone in the Admin Panel:
Step 2: Copy-paste the snippet code provided and place it within the HTML <body> tags of your page:
More info: Tutorial: How to set up a Video Slider ad zone
Web page 2 with Instant Message
Step 3: Create the Instant Message ad zone in the Admin Panel:
Step 4: Copy-paste the snippet code provided and place it within the HTML <body> tags of your page:
- What is the average CPM?
CPMs are much higher for Video Slider compared to Instant Message on both mobile and desktop, here we show the higher average CPM percentages that Video Slider has over the Instant Message ad format across different continents:
- What are the CTRs?
Advertisers love a high CTR, here is a comparison of the average CTRs for different verticals on desktop and mobile for both ad formats:
- Start monetising video ads
If you have a gallery website with images and no video content, then using the Video Slider format allows you to start monetising video advertising.