ExoClick Compliance Rules for 2020

We’ve been working hard this year to ensure users and publishers are protected from malvertising and ads that go against the user experience. As such we have added more rules to our advertising guidelines!
Advertiser question: I want my campaign approved, how can I make sure it will be? Simple! Just make sure they are in full compliance with our guidelines at all times.
Here is a list of what is not allowed:
- Browser Blockers
- Pushlockers
- Banner Autoredirections
- Malware
- Phishing
- Scareware
- Backjacking
- Appstore redirections
- Ads that play autosound
- Ads that cause mobile devices to vibrate without user interaction
Any campaigns featuring these are rejected immediately. We monitor campaigns 24/7 both manually and through several scanning systems that detect such issues.
Please find a full list of our current advertising guidelines here.
Advertiser question: If I break the rules what will happen? Depending on the severity of the issue, the most likely outcome is that your account will be suspended to ensure internet users and our publishers are protected. You will then be asked by our compliance team to explain what happened. Once explained and the issue has been solved on your side, any suspensions or campaign rejections will be reversed as we also understand that mistakes can happen. However, should our guidelines be breached repeatedly, this can lead to a full ban/closure from the network. This is an action we always wish to avoid and the compliance team are always available to consult or request advice from to ensure that never happens.
Advertiser question: How Can I Contact The Compliance Team? Our compliance team works day and night, every day of the year to ensure campaigns are approved quickly, to ensure that any ads that breach our rules are likewise identified and instantly removed from the network. Whether you want to contact us to request your campaign be approved, inquire why one was rejected or simply ask for advice if you are not sure whether your offer landing page is compliant or not you can contact the team using one of the compliance options on our contact form here. In most cases you will receive a response within 30 minutes.