Adness Case Study: How to target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads

Are you looking to easily reach huge volumes of Members Area traffic and automatically scale your campaigns? You can do it if you target Members Area websites with RTB programmatic ads! In today’s article we will explain to you why you should be using RTB ad zones to promote your offers on Members Area sites, and we will give your insights into Adness’ audience exclusive stats and expert tips to help you target Adness’ traffic with ExoClick and maximize conversions!
Why target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads with ExoClick
Members Area sites are perfect to reach very high quality audiences because your ads are placed inside Members Areas on websites for active users who have gone through a signup process, which means that they are very engaged with this website’s content. Because Members Areas offer limited ad zones, your ads stand out more in them, achieving higher CTRs compared to free content sites. However, because we are talking about a premium traffic source with a somewhat limited audience if we compare it to free content traffic sources, it is a great idea to look for strategies to expand on this audience and maximize results.
And this is where RTB ad zones come in! You can target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads and reach high volumes of traffic! RTB and programmatic advertising is the process of automating the buying and selling of ad inventory in real-time through an automated bidding system. Programmatic advertising enables advertisers to get access to a much bigger inventory of traffic and publishers to offer their impressions to the highest bidder within milliseconds. There are 3 main reasons why you should promote your dating offers through ExoClick’s Members Area RTB ad zones:
#1 Access all inventory from a website publisher: When you promote your dating offers with ExoClick’s RTB ad zones, you can access 100% of inventory of a specific publisher, expanding your offer’s reach.
#2 Automatically expand your converting traffic: When you test out an RTB ad zone and your offers convert with a favorable ROI, the volume of your traffic will automatically expand, allowing you scale your campaigns within seconds, and without the need to do any extra bidding.
#3 You can target Adness’ dating traffic! By promoting your offers and bid for Adness’ traffic and RTB ad zones with ExoClick you can access high quality dating and premium Members Area traffic sources.
Buy Adness’ Members Area traffic through the ExoClick platform
Are you wanting to target Adness’ traffic with ExoClick? You can promote any type of offer with Adness’ traffic and the best converting types are Dating, Live Streaming and Games. But don’t limit your offers as it is open to all. To help you maximize your offers and target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads, we have worked with the business intelligence department of Adness, one of our biggest international publishers in the Members Area dating vertical, to bring you some fascinating insights into their dating traffic sources. Here are the ads that you can use by targeting Adness’ traffic.
Adness RTB Banner ads: Members Area sites have limited banner ad spots, which means that the end user isn’t bombarded with ads during their user experience on the dating site. This ensures that your banner ad will really stand out as there is less competition for eyeballs.
Adness RTB Direct Links: The direct link is a flexible and premium format which can be presented in multiple ways by publishers based on how their users behave. Targeting users per vertical, this CPC based format is most popular in the form of Menu tabs.
Also, to buy Adness’ Members Area traffic through the ExoClick platform we have two tips coming straight from our account managers:
TIP! Use fixed CPM: Remember that by buying RTB ad zones now you will have access to all of this publisher’s inventory, which means that you will be competing with not only ExoClick’s advertisers, but also advertisers from other ad networks. So, because that enlarges the number of bidders, use the Fixed CPM pricing method instead of Smart CPM in order to secure your traffic share and have more control over your inventory.
TIP! Ask us for advice: If you are unsure about how to proceed in order to bid for Adness’ RTB ad zones, ask your Account Managers or a Customer Success Manager here for the volumes available and recommended prices!
Breakdown of the most popular 7 GEOs
Here’s the breakdown of the top 7 GEOs that you can target with Adness – They are all Tier 1 GEOS, mostly English speaking:
Tip! Localize your ads: Although most traffic for Adness’ breakdown is made up of English speaking GEOs with the US taking the biggest share and so English should be the dominant language, there are also other languages such as Italian, French and Danish that are present. Make sure to target the audience of these GEOs by translating your ads to the right language.
What Mobile Operating System should I target?
Device is an important point to take into consideration when learning how to target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads. According to Adness, Mobile has been the device that has been used the most. This is mainly because potential daters will look through dating profiles when they commute back and forth from and to work, stuck in traffic, during breaks, and at home, all with the convenience of their phone. Here is the split by Operating System.
So as you can see, Android is more popular within Adness end users (60.65%), with IOS right after (38.84%).
Tip! Make sure to use the operative systems targeting filters when setting up your campaign through the ExoClick platform.
Age and gender
Here’s the age breakdown for Adness’ Members Area audience:
As we can see above, most end users of Adness’ traffic are between 25 and 44 years old (43%), making them mainly millennial audiences. This is something important to take into account in order to adapt your ad texts and creatives to match your communication style to appeal to specific age groups.
And when it comes to gender, most Adness end users are male, which according to variant sources, this is a recurring trend, worldwide. Here’s Adness’ Members Area traffic gender split:
So, for instance, if you are promoting a games offer through Adness’ ad zones, remember to build your promo focusing on younger audiences which are predominantly male. For example:
TIP! Use terms and sentences that feel relevant to gamers, like ‘Easter Eggs’, which are hidden messages or features in games, HP (health points), MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), and similar. Also, use lots of emojis, and abbreviated Millennial terms such as FOMO (fear of missing out), FTW (For The Win), IMO (in my opinion), etc.
TIP! Use banner images of young people playing and, if it is an interactive game, you could feature young female gamers.
TIP! Still, target female players, since nearly 30% of Adness’ Members Area audience is female.
Popular connection times during the day
As we can see in the graph below, the best times in the day to target Adness’ audiences are from 12Pm to 5PM and then 6PM to 11PM . This could be showcasing end users who work a 9 to 5 job, so they connect after 6PM, or who only work mornings so they have the entire afternoon to connect, and a third group could be these end users who are currently jobless, or they work odd hours.
TIP! When setting up your campaign to target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads, make sure to target all of these different end users by using ExoClick’s day-parting feature to have your campaigns run during these different time frames, as well as setting up your preferred time zone.
TIP! Still test out different time frames to make sure that you don’t miss out on any Members Area audiences that Adness has to offer!
Conclusion: Target Adness traffic with ExoClick!
Are you looking to target Members Area sites with RTB programmatic ads with Adness’ or other Members Area traffic with ExoClick? Get in touch with your account manager or our customer success team now!