Publisher Case Study: Increased revenues using our Multi-Format Ads

Using Multi-Format ads can significantly increase your ad placement revenues, impressions and ad spot bidding values.
We carried out A/B testing with a well known publisher on our network. The publisher carried out 4 separate tests on 4 different ad placements:
- Desktop NTV 300×250 banner
- Desktop Footer 900×250 banner
- Mobile NTV 300×250 banner
- Mobile Footer 300×250 banner
Variant A traffic was sent to the websites original banner ad zones above
Variant B the ad zone was changed to a Multi-Format ad placement
Ad Placement: Desktop NTV
Variant A: Banner 300×250
Variant B: Multi-Format ad placement using a 2×2 Native widget competing with a 300×250 banner.
The Multi-Format ad shows a big improvement compared to the original banner only ad zone, here are the results:
Comparing Native widget and Banner behaviour within the Multi-Format ad placement:
Ad Placement:Desktop Footer
Variant A: Banner 900×250
Variant B: Multi-Format ad placement using a Native widget 1×3 competing with 3x 300×250 banners and 1 x 900×250 banner.
The Multi-Format ad shows a big improvement compared to the original banner only ad zone, here are the results:
Comparing Native widget and the Banner behaviours within the Multi-Format ad placement:
Ad Placements: Mobile NTV & Mobile Footer
Variant A: NTV Banner 300×250 & Mobile Footer 300×250
Variant B: Both ad placements were tested with Multi-Format ads using a 2×2 Native widget competing with a 300×250 banner and a 300×100 banner.
The Multi-Format ad shows a big improvement compared to the original banner only ad zone, here are the results:
Comparing Native widget and Banner behaviours within the Multi-Format ad placement:
As you can see by changing the ad zones with Multi-Format ads, this publisher increased revenues, and eCPM/eCPC values. Generally CTRs improved also, but this is also dependent on the advertisers creative/offer being compelling enough for the end user to click on, and the usage of 3rd party tags for which ExoClick doesn’t count clicks
The publisher commented, “After seeing the success from these four Multi-Format ad zones, I will test with other ad placements across different devices. One of the key things for me is that the ad zone automatically resizes to fit the space whether it is a banner or native widget showing, which is great for user experience, plus I like the fact that because of the different formats, my site visitors don’t see the same ad over and over again, it shows them a variety of different ads which again is great for user experience.”