How to convert Dating offers in China with ExoClick

China is a fast-growing country with a thriving economy and a particular focus on developing advanced technologies that shape the future, as well as the population’s day to day life. People’s living standards and lifestyles are evolving and improving every year, with general interests shifting increasingly more towards socializing and dating – And a big part of their socializing and dating activities happen online! As a result, the online dating industry has become one of the most profitable verticals: In 2021, the revenue generated by the Chinese online dating market amounted to $7.2 billion, and is expected to grow with projected earnings of $1.55 billion by 2023.
There are many popular online dating sites in China, here is a list of the most popular Chinese dating sites. In this article, we will explain how to convert dating offers in China with ExoClick’s premium traffic sources. Read on!
How to convert dating offers in China: Desktop, mobile or tablet
dating site usage is increasing every year in China and it is becoming more popular because of its easy access through mobile devices. With more accessibility to smartphones in China, online dating is easier and more convenient as you can connect with people anywhere and anytime. The online dating market in China is expected to grow in the future, so this is a great opportunity for advertisers to convert dating offers in China with ExoClick’s premium traffic sources.
Here is the impressions breakdown by device on the ExoClick Network for online dating campaigns in China: Let’s have a look!
As we can see, mobile devices take the biggest slice of the cake! The main reason is that users in China spend an average of about 4 hours per day on their smartphones. In addition, mobile devices are more affordable and more convenient than desktops and tablets.
Wondering how to convert your dating offers in China with ExoClick’s Chinese dating premium traffic sources for mobile, desktop and tablet users? Read on to find out!
ExoClick’s Chinese dating premium traffic sources: Free content sites for online dating offers in China
ExoClick offers a variety of premium traffic sources that are suitable for dating offers in China. However, for this specific vertical and GEO combination we recommend free content sites, which are sites that are accessible and viewable by anybody browsing the internet through any device, without the need of signing up or giving any personal information such as email addresses and login details. Free content sites offer content that is super targeted to the end user’s specific interests, as well as high volumes of traffic for advertisers. Because this traffic source’s audience is wider, it gives you a much greater reach for your dating offer. It consists of two subcategories:
RON: Run of Network free content site traffic is very affordable, with high volumes. It is the best way to find out new converting traffic sources, because new sites are added everyday to ExoClick’s network.
Premium: Free content sites with very high-quality traffic, they are account managed with verified ad placements, therefore these ad zones are more expensive to bid for than RON sites.
Now let’s look at the best ad formats to convert your online dating offers in China using ExoClick’s premium traffic sources:
5 best ad formats to convert online dating offers in China
The best ad formats to convert online dating offers in China are Video ads, Banner ads, Push Notifications, and Native ads. On the tables below, you will see the CTRs for our recommended ad formats in China, to help you decide which formats to use with your dating offers and some tips to help you get the best campaign performance.
Video ads: In-stream, Outstream and Video Slider
These are the 3 best Video ad formats from ExoClick:
- In-Stream video: This format has the highest CTR. The video ad is shown to the viewer right before they watch a video of their choosing on a publisher’s site.
- Outstream video: This video ad appears wherever a publisher has placed the ad zone within the website, and becomes a part of the user journey. It is a non-obtrusive ad format that displays and plays when the ad zone is viewable to the end user. The video ad will pause when the user scrolls away and will resume when the user returns to the content where the outstream ad is located.
- Video Slider: The ad slides in on the bottom right of the screen as a publisher’s site opens, catching the end user’s attention.
What are the video format CTRs for Chinese video traffic? Here is the breakdown on ExoClick’s network for the dating vertical:
Tip! 1: Tell a fun and entertaining story! For example, share success stories and testimonials from happy daters who have used the dating site you are promoting. Make a comedy style video ad where a guy is nervously preparing for his first date, you could even make this concept into a series of video ads. Maybe video ad 2 is him on the date, video ad 3 could be their first kiss, video ad 4 could be their engagement party. That way you can take your target end users on a romantic journey. Another option is explaining the benefits and advantages of your dating offer to build up your target audience’s trust, brand credibility and bigger conversion rates. Keep the video short, clear and original. It is always best to not use stock footage, and you could even shoot it on a smartphone camera to give it a ‘realistic’ look and feel.
Tip! 2: ExoClick’s video ads are fully responsive and display perfectly across devices, since as you can see in the table above, people consume video ads through all device types. Target these audiences by making sure that your video follows the correct sizes and aspects so that it gets formatted properly and can be seen in the best possible quality across all devices. Here are the requirements for in-stream video (VAST):
- Type: MPEG-4 video (video/mp4)
- Video Codec: H.264
- Audio Codec: MPEG-4 AAC
- Uploaded files: Limited to 51.2 MB.
- Aspect Ratio:
– Popular video players automatically resize the video so that it fits their dimensions while keeping the ratio. Nevertheless, a ratio matching the player ratio (if known) is preferable.
– The most common video aspect ratio used is 16:9.
- Resolution: The resolution should be viewable by all site visitors.
- Duration: The minimum duration is 15 seconds and the maximum is 30 seconds duration.
Native ads
Native ads match the form and function of the content on a publisher site. They contain an image (max 300×300), a title (max 50 characters) a description (max 90 characters), and a brand name (max 30 characters) and they can also have emojis within the ad formats texts to support the intention of the message. Native ads are fully responsive to show seamlessly on all devices (mobile, desktop and tablet).
ExoClick offers huge daily volumes of Native ad zones and bidding prices are less expensive to bid on compared to some other formats, which makes Native the ideal format to test out dating offers at a low price. In addition, ExoClick allows dating advertisers to set up their preferred frequency capping and spending limits in order to control spending and traffic. Native advertising pricing options are CPM, CPC, Smart CPM and Smart CPC, and ExoClick’s new Smart Bid pricing model.
What are the CTRs for Chinese Native traffic? Here is the breakdown on ExoClick’s network for the dating vertical:
Tip! 1: Focus on creativity. Native ads work best with editorial content, which allows you to play with lots of creative tools, experimenting with highly engaging content such as impactful images showing people in love, dating, or in romantic situations. The text should be editorial style such as ‘5 tips for the perfect first date’, ‘Easy topics of conversation on a first date’, Or ‘Where to go on a first date’ tips. This also extends to your landing pages.
Tip! 2: You can use dynamic tokens for items such as {country}, {city} or {day} in the titles and descriptions. These tokens will then display localized text to the visitor based on their information, allowing you to target your ads more effectively. For example, if you want to target a specific city, use the token in the title “Meet new people in {city} tonight!”, and an end user from Barcelona would see: “Meet new people in Barcelona tonight!”
Push Notifications
A Push Notification consists of an image or icon on the left and text on the right: Title (max. 50 characters) and Description (max. 90 characters). The Push Notification message appears on the screen of the end user’s device even when they are not browsing a website so it ensures maximum visibility. Push Notifications only appear on the user’s screen who has knowingly agreed to receive Push Notifications. Users that opt-in are highly qualified and ensure qualified clicks that will drive more traffic to the landing page or advertiser’s site. In addition, Push Notifications allow you to be more creative with the message by adding emojis. Emojis make your message more catchy and easy to read, which can help you to increase CTR as it enhances engagement.
What are the CTRs for Chinese Push Notification traffic? Here is the breakdown on ExoClick’s network for the dating vertical:
Tip! 1: Use emojis to enrich your message and boost engagement. Emojis are a great way to make a positive impact on people’s emotions and get them to interact with your dating offer.
Tip! 2: You can also use dynamic tokens with this ad format, just like Native, such as {country}, {city} or {day} in the titles and descriptions.
Banner ads
Banner ads offer you high volumes of traffic, prices are low and there are many different sizes and positions to bid for and test. But you could also try Responsive Display Ads (RDAs), which is a Banner ad that automatically adapts size, format and appearance to fit any standard IAB Banner display ad placement. RDAs are created automatically from the images, videos and texts (title, description and brand) that you have uploaded to the ExoClick platform, the system then combines and adjusts them so that the final ad creatives fit all of the following Banner display ad zone specs:
RDAs are great because they save you time: With one simple image and text asset, you can bid for multiple ad zones, which also means more exposure across RON and premium traffic sources for your ad and more creative possibilities. Also, you can play with more test data to evaluate and optimize your campaigns. For example, if you only have creatives for 300×100 Banners and only run campaigns for these sizes, by using RDAs, you automatically have different display sizes that you can also test.
What are the CTRs for Chinese Banner ads? Here is the breakdown on ExoClick’s network for the dating vertical:
Tip 1: Select an image that looks good on a small scale as well as a large one. For example, a photograph featuring lots of visual elements will not display well if it is converted into a 300×100 Banner, so before you upload an image to create an RDA, use the CTRL +/- to see that the image has the same impact, large or small.
Tip 2: Keep texts short and succinct, if your texts are too long they will not display well with the image.
Exclusive tips to convert online dating offers in China
ExoClick’s Chine dating premium traffic sources are the best opportunity to convert online dating offers in China. Here is a list of exclusive tips and best practices to maximize your dating offer revenues!
TIP! Language: There are 302 different languages spoken in China. So, make sure your ads are translated correctly into the language of your target audience. Also, be aware of the demographics of your target audience to prepare the text accordingly. Remember to use dynamic tokens for regional targeting to reach specific locations. They could be by city, region and country. For instance, you could use the {city} token in your ad texts to attract localized users in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, etc.
Tip! Creative ads: When Chinese people look for their love partner, they tend to consider financial health. So, in order to get the most attraction and qualified clicks, your ad’s creatives and texts could point out that there is the potential for your daters to find wealthy partners through your dating site. Therefore, an effective creative should be a picture of a businessman in an elegant suit speaking on his phone.
Tip! Learn about Chinese dating culture: Young people and especially women in some regions of China experience a lot of pressure to get married before their 30s. This means that the Chinese online dating market is oriented to marriage, in many cases skipping longer dating scenarios, middle stages, and one-night stands – Take this into consideration when creating the texts and images for your ads!
Tip! Douyin (Or Chinese TikTok) style: TikTok’s sister app Douyin has amassed 743 million monthly active users in China in December 2022, making it a very popular social media platform in China. So, if you are promoting Video content, try and make your creatives in Douyan’s style, emulating user-generated content, entertaining, fun and eye-catching.
Extra platform optimization tips
Tip! Device and time targeting: Test out different times of the day to target different device types and audiences – For instance, some end users prefer to be on their phone in the early morning or later at night when they are getting ready for work, or relaxing in the evening.
Tip! Use Smart Bid: Test out ExoClick’s new pricing model feature for advertisers: Smart Bid. ExoClick’s Smart Bid feature uses machine learning and AI to analyze advertisers’ campaign data and automatically determine the optimal price in real time, helping advertisers hit their target KPIs and avoid overspending, by only paying for the volume of traffic needed.
Tip! Optimize your landing page: You need a great landing page to generate qualified conversions. Depending on the nature of your offer and the ad format that you decide to use, you will need a landing – test out landings with short content and longer content. Shorter content could be a list of benefits and a simple button with a CTA. Or test a longer format content landing page that includes an article, testimonials or tutorials – All of them leading to a clear and visible CTA, of course! Use ExoClick’s Landing Variations tools for A/B testing.
Final thoughts
Advertisers can obtain many benefits from working with ExoClick’s premium traffic sources for the Chinese market, as well as all GEOs worldwide: They can create ad campaigns using high-quality and high-performing ad formats to get the highest CTR! Also, make sure to test out our automation tools to scale up and optimize your campaigns, and improve ROI with full transparency and better budget control. Want more information on these and all ExoClick features? Get in touch with our Customer Success team!