Async tags

  • ExoClick’s Advertiser Keyword Targeting feature

    Advertiser Keyword Targeting feature
What is keyword targeting in advertising?
How to target specific keywords on an advertiser campaign
How to use keyword targeting effectively on my campaigns

    What is keyword targeting in advertising and how to use keyword targeting effectively on my campaigns? The Advertiser Keyword Targeting feature is an effective tool that will help you reach your preferred audiences through simple keyword associations. Many Advertisers use keyword targeting when they set up their campaigns to help them find ad zones that display similar content to the theme and vertical of their offer, to make their ads... Read More

  • How to make the most out of Asynchronous ads

    asynchronous ad code  asynchronous ad tags asynchronous ads synchronous vs asynchronous ads load ads asynchronously to improve website speed Serve multiple zones with a single request ad zones loading with website content  speed up ad loading time improve Google rankings with async Attract contextual Advertisers

    Using ExoClick’s updated version of Async tags brings a series of performance benefits to your site and its ad zones. From allowing your content to load asynchronously, therefore quicker, and improving your Google rankings, all the way to enabling excellent ExoClick features such as Ad refresh and Responsive Display Ads. In this article we tell you what are the 7 main reasons why you should use Asynchronous ads and how... Read More

  • Using Async ad tags with WordPress

    Using Async ad tags with WordPress

    If you are monetising your content using WordPress, did you know that you can integrate display ad banners using ExoClick’s Async ad tags?  4 reasons why you should use Async Tags #1 Your site content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will increase performance when used on well-optimized sites #2 You to use a single request to get multiple ad zones on the same page.... Read More

  • Get faster banner ad load times with Asynchronous Tags

    ExoClick has added the ability for publishers to use Asynchronous Tags for desktop and mobile banners ad zones. When creating either of these zone types, Publishers can use this tag to ensure that zones are loaded onto the page asynchronously. 3 great benefits of Asynchronous Tags: The ads will be able to load asynchronously, meaning that other content will be able to load while the ads are loading. This will... Read More