How to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US

How to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US? Online Dating in the US is booming as people turn to the internet to find romantic connections. It is a highly profitable market. And in fact, according to Statista, the number of online Daters in the US is expected to increase between 2024 and 2028 by 5.3 million (+8.76%), reaching 65.86 million in 2028. One of the best ad formats to promote your Dating offers are Email Clicks. In today’s article we will give you key Network stats and expert tips to help you maximize US Dating offers with Email Marketing – Keep on reading to find out!
Why use ExoClick’s Email Clicks to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US
How to target US traffic using email advertising? Email Clicks are a great ad format to promote your US online Dating offers: Our Dating Members Area publishers send email campaigns to their website’s end users. The email these end users receive is a template which has a subject line, a short text and a CTA with a link directing to your offer’s landing page or signup form. Because they are email opted-in active subscribers, they are very likely to engage with your ad, generating high value clicks. Here are 5 reasons why you should use ExoClick, one of the best ad platform to target the US with email:
#1 High engagement and clicks: As mentioned, your offers will be sent to opted-in subscribers who are actively looking for dates and are open to trying new Dating sites. They are then ready to engage, thus likely to click on your offer, making this format high converting.
#2 High quality US and Tier 1 traffic: With Email Clicks you can reach Tier 1 GEOs, which are English speaking, 84% including the US.
#3 Filter email addresses with our API: With ExoClick’s API you can choose only the email addresses you want to bid for; you can optimize Dating email campaigns, block duplicated emails and pause or block specific Sub IDs in order to optimize lower performing ad zones without interrupting high performing zones in your campaign.
#4 Deep targeting and analytics dashboards: ExoClick’s deep targeting settings allow you to target in detail, including demographics, languages, per region or state, interests, behavioral, and more. Then you can analyze performance in real-time with our Customizable Dashboards, with which you can also tailor the results views to your optimization needs.
#5 Advertiser optimization tools: ExoClick’s platform offers plenty of monitoring and optimization tools such as the Campaign Manager, Smart Bid and more, to make sure that you always reach your sales and marketing goals.
How to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US with ExoClick
How to target the US to convert your Dating offers? By targeting the US with ExoClick’s Email Clicks to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US you have the potential to reach 60K daily clicks! In order to help you make the most of this highly engaged active traffic, we have put together exclusive insights to answer the question ‘What are the US states that receive most clicks on Dating offers?’, the best times to promote your Dating offers based on open rates, device split and expert optimization tips.
What are the US states that receive most clicks on Dating offers? Here are the top US states with most clicks on online Email Marketing campaigns:
As we can see, California, Ohio, New York, Texas, Virginia and Florida are the top US states with most clicks on online Email Marketing campaigns. Which makes sense considering especially in states like California and New York there is a strong ‘Hustle’ culture. Meaning that the average US citizen spends many hours working and doesn’t have that much free time to spare and go meet new people outside of their most immediate circle. So they turn to online Dating in order to meet new possible partners.
What are the most popular devices for online Dating in the US
Knowing the most popular devices is an important point when targeting online Daters. According to our Analytics team, Desktop is the top device used by Dating site users. See below what are the most popular devices for online Dating in the US:
Although nowadays we use our phone for almost everything, the US being a Tier 1 country, American end users can afford expensive computers and laptops. Also, as mentioned above, the American working culture is very competitive with long working hours in front of the laptop, with its ‘Hustle’ culture triggered by the ideal of achieving the American dream. So it makes sense that a lot of their online Dating happens through our computer or laptop as they go about their working day.
Best US times to promote Dating with Email Marketing per state
What are the best US times to promote Dating with email marketing per state? Times of the day with high engagement rates are another important aspect on how to target US traffic using email advertising. The graph above has a huge influence in the times of the day that the average US end user will be checking their emails. In fact, according to Porch Group Media, 58% of consumers open their email first thing in the morning, then within the 9am to 3pm window. Bear in mind that some end users mistakenly subscribe to mailing lists with their work emails, meaning that they will see their email updates during working hours.
Of course, this may vary from state to state. So, let’s have a look at the times of the day in which Email Marketing Dating campaigns’ open rates are higher across the top 5 states, per state and find out the best times to promote Dating offers with email marketing in the US, which will help you learn how to build regionally relevant landing pages for the US:
#1 California: As we can see below, the best time range to promote Dating offers in California is 3pm-8pm. Meaning that they may be checking their emails during working hours and then on their commute home.
#2 Ohio: The best time ranges to promote Dating offers in Ohio are 10am-3pm; once again, many end users prefer to check their personal email during working hours.
#3 New York: The best time ranges for Dating offers email campaigns in New York are 3pm-8pm. So target afternoon and evening times when you set up your Email Marketing Dating campaign for that region.
#4 Texas: The best time ranges for Dating offers email campaigns in New York are 10am-3pm, so target morning hours when you are setting up your Dating Email Clicks campaign. Texas is the state with the highest open rates of the 5.
#5 Virginia: The best time range for Virginia is 3pm to 8pm, afternoon hours. As we can see, although Virginia is one of the top states to receive the most clicks in the US, open rates are slightly lower than the other 5 states.
In conclusion, California, New York and Virginia end users prefer to check their email during the afternoon, during working hours and commuting home. Meanwhile, Ohio and Texas end users prefer to engage with email content during the mornings.
TIP! Even though Desktop seems to be the preferred device for Email Clicks Dating end users in the US, still target Mobile, since this is the device that end users will most likely use during their commute home in afternoon hours and during their free time.
More expert tips to maximize your US Dating offers with Email Marketing
Continuing on we give you expert tips on how to target US traffic using email advertising from ExoClick’s expert Account Managers, best ad platform to target the US with email. Here’s how to maximize US Dating offers with Email Marketing, how to build regionally relevant landing pages for the US, how to optimize US Dating campaigns with Sub IDs, and more:
TIP! Use Smart CPC: Rather than a fixed CPC bid, in order to compete for each zone and ensure that you’re getting the best quality traffic possible according to your budget. We suggest that you use a high Smart CPC and let the system adapt the CPC according to the zone prices.
TIP! Target for different time zones: Use Day-parting to target mobile devices from early morning and early evening when users are commuting and relaxing at home, also bearing in mind the different time zones throughout the several states in the US. Use carrier billing offers to make it easy for end users to sign up to your dating product from a Mobile device.
TIP! How to optimize Dating email campaigns with Sub IDs: As mentioned earlier, you can pause specific Sub IDs in order to optimize lower performing ad zones without interrupting high performing zones in your campaign. This means that your campaign doesn’t need to stop running every time that you need to optimize a specific zone, meaning that you won’t lose revenues in the process. You can also use the Sub IDs within a zone for testing and expanding purposes. For instance, if you have a zone that targets the entire US, but the Sub ID for the region, let’s say, Virginia, is not performing as you wanted with your set budget for the overall campaign, you can block that specific Sub ID. Then create a new independent campaign targeting the same zone with only said Sub ID for Virginia active with a bidding price that suits you best, which means that you don’t need to pause the entire zone where your initial bidding price was already working. Or all the way round, if the Sub ID for Virginia was performing better than every single other Sub ID in said zone, you might want to test out creating a full zone only for Virginia with a higher bid, and pause the Sub ID for Virginia in the original zone, so that they don’t compete with each other, yet you can make the most of this regional high performing traffic.
TIP! How to build regionally relevant landing pages for the US: The US is a very vast country with very contrasting regions within it. Especially when it comes to Dating culture. Which varies quite a lot from urban, rural to suburban areas. For example, in more rural areas that might be more traditional, people date for a shorter period of time before getting married, this could be only a few months! Suburban areas are generally more oriented to family-planning, which means that a lot of Dating also happens around the marrying topic, buying a family home, etc. Meanwhile in more fast-paced environments like big cities such as New York, people date around for a long time and enjoy going on cinema dates, bars, restaurants, etc. All of this should be reflected on your landing page’s copy and creatives.
TIP! Offer more than just a date: Your landing page is your best tool to make your end users convert. Offer a whole experience, for example, US daters enjoy cafe, bar and restaurant dates and in general going out to have fun. Offer them tips! For example, your landing page could feature tutorials e.g. 5 movies to avoid on a first date, 10 top date restaurants in Virginia, Why museum dates are the best way to the heart, Best topics to talk about on a cafe date, etc. Make sure that your landing pages and CTAs capture the end user’s attention with great images related to the tip title.
TIP! Run A/B testing on different landing pages: Email Clicks work by generating an automatic email with a call to action button that directs the end user to your landing page or sign up form. It is recommended that you carry out A/B testing between a landing page, pre-landing page and signup page, to see which converts the best. If you are using the pre-populate feature, then it is recommended that you send the user directly to a signup page.
TIP! Track everything: ExoClick’s platform allows you to get real-time data to analyze the performance of your Email Marketing campaigns. This is vital information to help you optimize your campaigns and test which offers are converting the best. You can track the performance of different traffic sources, zone ids, devices, operating systems and much more. For additional tracking options visit this page to get a full list of the different tracking macros that are available to you.
Do you want more information about the Email Clicks format or how to convert Dating offers with Email Marketing in the US and worldwide, how to optimize Dating email campaigns with Sub IDs, how to build regionally relevant landing pages for the US, or maybe you want more expert tips to maximize US Dating offers with Email Marketing? Get in touch with our Customer Success team now and find out why ExoClick is the best ad platform to target the US with email!