The premium power of the Direct Link

ExoClick has introduced new premium quality traffic sources using the Direct Link ad format in the form of Menu Tabs and Back Button Offers, these Direct Links are now all premium hand picked selected spots.
What is a Direct Link?
The Direct Link which is a powerful and highly flexible ad format. Think of it as a click that goes ‘directly’ to your offer’s landing page. Direct Links are strategically placed ad zones of Menu Tabs. Within Members Area Direct Links also come in the form of Push Notification subscriptions and Back Button Offers.
Premium quality network Menu Tabs
All our Menu Tabs are ad zones that are displayed in prime position, hand selected and verified by ExoClick account managers to ensure they are of high quality. They appear within the menu section of a publisher’s website. In the example below the Activity, Search and Chat tabs are tools to help an end user navigate the content of the website. The tab: Games is really a Direct Link ad zone.
So clicking on the Games tab takes the end user to an online Game offer. Therefore it does not look like an ad to the end user and becomes a part of the user experience on the website while he browses and it is contextually targeted to the vertical you are offering. Making our network Menu Tabs powerful tools for premium traffic.
Buying Menu Tabs
All Tabs on our network are now labelled with a contextual vertical to allow only one product category to match the Tab’s labelled text to an advertiser’s offer, for example Tab Dating only allows dating advertising offers. This way advertisers can create RON bidding campaigns on Tabs and can be assured that they will receive traffic only from tabs matching their product category. In the admin panel under marketplace select Ad Format > Direct Link and Ad Placement > Tab (Vertical). In the example below we have selected Tab Dating.
Our platform offers the following different Tab selections:
- Tab Dating
- Tab eCommerce
- Tab Gaming
- Tab Nutra
Traffic is 50% English speaking (USA, Canada, UK, Australia) and a mix of Tier 1 and European GEOs.
Our network Menu Tabs are available for bidding on CPC or on flat/monthly deals.
Members Area Direct Links
Menu Tabs are also available to purchase via our Members Area traffic sources also. Additionally we also offer another form of Direct Link within Members Area: the Back Button Offer (BBO). As the name suggests, the end user hits the Back Button on the publisher’s site which opens the advertisers landing page. In the example below if the user hits the back button (highlighted in red), he will be taken to an advertisers page.
The BBOs are strategically placed within the user flow, for example, after looking at a dating profile, by clicking the back button to go back to the profile list, this triggers the advertisers landing page, or when the user leaves the dating site, clicking on the back button again triggers the BBO taking the user to the advertiser landing page. Different members area sites offer different triggers for back button offers.
With this format the user is taken directly to an advertisers landing page, therefore you don’t need to create banner ads or other creatives to tempt the user to go to your landing page as they are directly taken by clicking. Therefore your landing page is a large format allowing you to add texts, images and videos to help you convert the user. BBOs are also available on CPC.
Best practices
For Tabs:
To test out which Menu Tab ad zones work best for your offer, try testing first using Smart CPC with ExoClick’s Bidder, once you have found ad zones that are working you can then scale up by buying flat/monthly deals for those ad zones.
Flat/monthly deals open up more options to improve performance:
- Optimizing the name of the tab to better suit your offer.
- Utilize a url that starts with the publisher’s domain for your landing page and match your landing page to the design style of the publisher’s website for an even better user experience/flow to drive higher conversions.
For BBOs:
Test using Smart CPC bidding. We recommend that advertisers create worldwide RON campaigns with all types of offer verticals, but remember that each site has a slightly different flow for BBO’s based on where the BBO clicks are placed. Contact your account manager to get more information of each publisher sites BBO flow and placements