Scale up your Email Clicks campaigns with our 20% Cashback

If you are running Dating offers and are currently buying Email Clicks or plan to start Email Clicks campaigns, ExoClick is offering you the chance to scale up your campaigns with a 20% monthly Cashback promotion. The promotion starts from 1st September 2022 and runs until December 31 2022.
How the Email Clicks Cashback works
To qualify for the Cashback you must increase your Email Clicks spend compared to the previous month by a minimum of $500 USD or 500 euros, depending on the currency you are using. For example, if you spent $500 on Email Clicks in August and increase this to $1,000 in September, you will receive a 20% Cashback on the growth of $500 which equals $100. The more you increase your spend the higher the Cashback $.
If you have never tried the Email Click ad format before this is a great way to test your Dating offer with the added value of the Cashback.
Let’s look at a possible scenario throughout the four month Email Click Cashback promotion:
Your Cashback will be calculated automatically by our system and you will automatically receive your 20% Cashback in your account, so it requires no action from you. Please note: The maximum Cashback limit you can receive is capped at $5,000 USD/Euros.
6 great features that Email Clicks offer for your Dating campaigns
1. Reach active Dating site members: Email Clicks are sent to email addresses of end users who have signed up to a Members Area Dating site and are actively looking for dates. They have opted-in to receiving promotional emails and therefore are open to trying new Dating sites.
2. Big volumes: Our average global daily clicks are 736,269
3. Tier 1 GEOs: Our top 10 GEOs include English speaking (84%) USA, UK, Canada and Australia, with the remaining 16% coming from France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain and Brazil.
4. Mobile first: Email Clicks device split is Mobile 86.1%, Desktop 12.3%, Tablet 1.5%.
5. Our API: Which allows you to filter to choose only the email addresses you want to bid for, you can also block duplicate emails and specific Sub ID’s, etc
6. Deep targeting: Use our large range of targeting features to fine tune your reach.
Promotion rules
- All advertisers buying the Email Click format are eligible for the cashback.
- Promotion runs from 1 September through to 31 December 2022 (12 midnight EDT.)
- To receive the 20% cashback the minimum spend per account is $500/500 euros each month during the time of the promotion only.
- The 20% cashback is capped at a maximum payment of $5,000/5,000 euros per account.
- The cashback will be automatically transferred directly to each advertiser’s account the first week of the month.
- The cashback must be spent on ExoClick traffic
A tutorial on how to set up an Email Clicks campaign is here. If you require further information please contact your account manager or a Customer Success Specialist here