Publisher case study: Earn extra revenue with Post-Roll In-Stream video ads

Implementing ExoClick’s Post-Roll In-Stream video ads on your video zones is a quick and easy way to boost your ad revenues! Are you a publisher monetizing your website traffic with video advertising? According to Wyzowl, 92% marketers say they get a great ROI from video advertising: This form of advertising provides a great user experience, increasing engagement, a positive brand awareness, and maximizing sales, thus allowing brands to massively increase their revenues. ExoClick offers 3 video formats: Video Slider, In-Stream and Outstream. In this blog post, we will focus on Post-Roll In-Stream, explaining why you should be implementing this In-Stream ad placement on your ad zones. We will also show you examples of how 2 publishers increased their metrics by implementing Post-Roll In-Stream video ads on their video zones and give you expert tips on how to make the most of this video ad format.
What is a Post-Roll In-Stream video ad?
To start with, let’s explain what is a Post-Roll In-Stream video ad and why it is a highly profitable ad format for publishers that want to monetize video content:
In-Stream video ads are shown on a publisher website inside of a video player where the end user will watch a selected piece of content, most likely in full screen mode. Once the video ad starts playing, a ‘skip ad’ button is shown to end users on the bottom right of the screen. There are 3 types of In-Stream video ad placements: Pre-Roll, Mid-roll and Post-Roll. In this case, we will focus on the Post-Roll ad placement.
Post-Roll ads are shown at the end of a piece of video content. It fits perfectly into the end user’s experience and it isn’t intrusive because it is placed at the end of a main video piece of content that an end user has chosen to watch. Also, Post-Roll video ads are very easy and fast to set up, which makes them a great format to use alongside other video ad placements within your In-Stream ad zones in order to earn extra revenues.
Benefits of implementing Post-Roll In-Stream ads for Publishers
As stated above, Post-Roll videos are an excellent way to earn extra revenue for each In-Stream video ad zone. Here are the main benefits of implementing Post-Roll In-Stream video ads for publishers:
1# Increase revenues for the In-Stream ad format: Adding an extra ad placement (Post-Roll) on your In-Stream ad zones makes each one of your In-Stream zones more competitive, attracting more advertisers to bid on them, which will also have a visibly positive impact on your overall ad revenues.
2# A quick and easy setup: Post-Roll placements are very easy and quick to implement in most of the players including Fluid Player, by using the same zone ID or an entirely different one, so you save lots of time that you can use with more pressing parts of your business.
3# Non-intrusive user experience: Post-Roll In-Stream video ads are eye-catching, engaging and non-intrusive, creating a positive impact on the end user’s journey, compelling them to click through which gives the ad more chances to convert, which is great news both for your advertisers and for your ad revenues!
How to earn extra revenue with Post-Roll In-Stream video ads: Two Publisher case studies
Implementing ExoClick’s Post-Roll In-Stream video ad placements on your ad zones, you can optimize your video ad zones and earn extra revenue with Post-Roll In-Stream video smoothly. For today’s blog, we have asked two of our publisher clients who maximized their revenues by implementing Post-Roll ad placements on their In-Stream ad zones to share their numbers with us. Read on!
Publisher Case study 1
Let’s look at the evolution of this publisher’s ad performance who was using Pre-Roll placements, and decided to also add Post-Roll placements on their In-Stream ad zones.
Format: Post-Roll In-Stream video
Device: Mobile
Before implementation: 9-23 March
After implementation: 25-8 April
As we can see, this publisher increased the number of impressions and views by adding Post-Roll In-Stream video on their ad zones. These two variations have helped them increase revenue variation, and so has this publisher’s ad monetization performance. The total revenue variation is +53.94% and it is indeed a great result taking into account that the increases happened in only 15 days!
Format: Post-Roll In-Stream video
Device: Desktop
Before implementation: 9-23 March
After Implementation: 25-8 April
In the table above we can once again see that impressions, views, and revenue had an impressive variation within just 15 days! Comparing Mobile and Desktop device performance results, we see that Desktop had more views variation. Revenue variation has also increased by +9.53%, which is lower than with Mobile, but a noticeable increase nonetheless. End users are more likely to use Mobile devices to consume short-form video than Desktop. This is because most end users tend to carry their phone with them as they commute and go on about their day, checking their phones during breaks, which means that shorter video ads work best for this device type, achieving higher brand affinity and audience’s attention quickly on Mobile. Still, bear in mind that a lot of end users use the Desktop to watch their favorite content.
Publisher Case study 2
Now, on this publisher’s website, let’s look at the evolution of the performance two weeks after implementing Post-Roll on their In-Stream ad zones.
Format: Post-Roll In-Stream video
Device: Mobile
Before implementation: 30-13 January
After implementation: 15-29 January
As we can see, the performance results increased noticeably 15 days after implementing Post-Roll In-Stream video ads to the ad zones of the website. We can also see a slight difference comparing the Mobile first case study to the second one: In the second case study, the evolution of the numbers is more gradual (Leaving lots of room for growth!) than on the first one, where we see huge increases within the first 15 days. In both cases the revenue variation has experienced a noticeable increase.
Format: Post-Roll In-Stream video
Device: Desktop
Before implementation: 30-13 January
After implementation: 15-29 January
On the table above we can see that Desktop devices have had a significant increase in revenue by implementing Post-Roll In-Stream to this publisher’s ad zones. So as we can see, although Mobile tends to be a more popular device type to watch short video formats than Desktop, on this specific website Desktop had the highest revenue increase. This could be because the audience targeted for this website was more likely to access this website through their Desktop devices. In any case, we can confirm that Post-Roll In-Stream video performs successfully either on Mobile or Desktop.
Publisher tips for Post-Roll In-Stream video ads
In order to empower publishers on the way to optimize and maximize their revenues, let’s share some publisher tips for Post-Roll In-Stream video ads:
Tip! Optimize In-Stream video with Fluid Player: ExoClick’s In-Stream ad format works with all video players including the free open source video player Fluid Player. Fluid Player can help publishers to obtain higher revenues because it allows you to monetize your ad zones with Post-Roll video ads free of charge, also it is customizable and supported by all ads, including live streaming video ads.
Tip! Websites love Post-Roll In-Stream video: That’s right! According to our publishers’ insights, they prefer Post-Roll instead of Mid-roll because Mid-roll video ads pop out in the middle of a video that an end user is watching, which could be more intrusive than a placement that appears at the beginning or the end of said video. So, Post-Roll adapts to the content and viewing experience, encouraging end users to keep watching the video ad as a part of the video content.
Tip! Test different ad zones with Pre-Roll & Post-Roll: Both Pre-Roll and Post-Roll are high converting ad formats on In-Stream video zones, so if you want to maximize your ad zones’ profits, test Pre-Roll with Post-Roll combined in order to earn extra revenue.
Tip! Optimize your video ad zones with ExoClick: Make sure that you check out our blog to learn how to optimize video ad zones to obtain best results!
Post-Roll In-Stream video ads are the perfect way for publishers to earn extra revenue on their website’s In-Stream video ad zones. If you haven’t tried Post-Roll video ads yet, we recommend you to start testing out both Pre-Roll and Post-Roll ad formats combined to maximize revenues of your ad zones. Want further tips to monetize your ad zones with Post-Roll video ads? Contact your account manager or contact us here!